If You’re Going To Be In Advertising You Have To Play As A Team

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Soccer Sundays are a long tradition at Miami Ad School- Miami. For 20 years, students, teachers/local creatives and staff flock to Flamingo Park in Miami Beach to run around the field and get their creative juices flowing again. Although it may seem like just a sport, working together and communicating helps in many situations on and off the field. Ron describes it best at orientation to all of the new students:
“You learn everything you want to know about somebody by playing soccer. We do get to know everything about you: Do you pass? Are you good spirited? Do you have a mean streak in you? Are you selfish? All kinds of things like this. We also get to know your name and you all get to know each other. The heroes/guest speakers, the teachers, the graduates all come out and play. If we have a famous creative director from Europe, I guarantee you they’re going to be playing soccer on Sunday so it’s a wonderful way for you to get your network going.”

Every Sunday while school is in session (with the exceptions of the summer quarter), you’ll find co-founders Ron and Pippa Seichrist, and their teenage children playing along with the students in a lively game of futbol. The game is set up so everyone has fun whether they were semi-pro in their home country or have never played the sport. The camaraderie that’s shown on the field Sunday afternoons carries into the week and for the rest of their careers. Partnerships and friendships form, ideas emerge and everyone works together.

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