$200,000 in Annual Minority Advertising Scholarships

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There has never been a better time to start your career in advertising.



L to R: Students Shenice Brotherson and Lauren Kimrey-Sanders work on a project at Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center.

L to R: Students Shenice Brotherson and Lauren Kimrey-Sanders work on a project at Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center.

A few years ago a young African American woman and her mother were visiting Miami Ad School. As we talked about the creative advertising programs the school offered the mother asked me, “Can you name one black person who is working in advertising?” The question surprised me and made me think. I knew hundreds of white people working as art directors, copywriters or designers but I only knew a handful of black people working in creative jobs in advertising.

Creative young people who are African American, Hispanic and Asian do not pursue advertising careers at the same rate as young, white people. The advertising industry has a diversity problem. The industry is in crisis mode when it comes to minority involvement. Clients like Pepsi, General Mills and HP are demanding more diversity in their agencies. If you are a minority this is a fantastic time to start your career in advertising because you and your skill set are in high demand.

"Agencies are fairly diverse in account and strategic planning, but not with the people who are making the work.” 
— Michael Fanuele • Chief Creative Officer @ General Mills

“Including women and people of color in key roles is not only a values issue, but a significant business imperative.” 
— Antonio Lucio • CMO @ HP

Miami Ad School launches the largest scholarship mentorship program in the country for minorities wanting a creative career in advertising.

$200,000 in Minority Scholarships: Five $20,000 scholarships and ten $10,000 scholarships will be awarded annually. Scholarships will be awarded in two rounds, one prior to the upcoming fall quarter and another before the next winter quarter.

About the Scholarships: The scholarships are to attend any of Miami Ad School’s US locations: AtlantaMiamiNew York or San Francisco. You may select any of our two-year (eight-quarter) portfolio programs offered at the location of your choice. Programs differ slightly by location but can include: art directioncopywritingdesign or photography. Click on a program to see where it is offered. The scholarship applies to tuition only and will be divided evenly between the eight quarters of your program. Government based financial aid is available if you need additional assistance.

Eligibility: To qualify you must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national or permanent resident and belong to a minority group: African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Native American, Asian Pacific American or Subcontinent Asian American. You must be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma.

Mentors: Each scholarship recipient will be mentored by a Miami Ad School minority grad working in the industry.

Deadlines: Applications are accepted twice a year. Apply by August 1st or November 1st.

Miami Ad School Minority Scholarship

That's me on the left, Pippa Seichrist • Co-Founder @ Miami Ad School. I was invited to announce our $200,000 minority scholarship program at the "Here Are All The Black People" conference in New York. With me are graduates, Larry Gordon • Senior Art Director @ 360i; Mo Osunbor • Senior Creative @ JWT; Donnell Johnson * Freelance Creative Director; Zorayma Guevara • Director @ Miami Ad School New York. These four very successful art directors and copywriters gave career advice to the 100 minority college students in the audience.

Questions?  Email info@miamiadschool.com or call 305-538-3193 ext. 1016. Ask for Shannon. Please visit any of our locations and sit in on a class to learn more about the school. Find out why advertising is the creative career for you.

Start your application to Miami Ad School here.

Other organizations with initiatives to encourage and support minorities pursuing careers in advertising.

4As - American Association of Advertising Agencies:
MAIP (Multicultural Advertising Internship Program) 
Operation Jump Start 

The One Club Inclusion and Diversity programs:
Creative Boot Camps
Here Are All The Black People Conference

Bill Bernbach Diversity Scholarship

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