Atlanta Students Bring Even More Humor To The Election
The Class
Pop Culture Engineering, taught by Pippa Seichrist at Miami Ad School Atlanta @ Portfolio Center.
The Goal
Identify a trend or current event, create an idea around it and then embed your idea into the larger conversation.
The Who
Gina Cassaro (4th Quarter Art Director), Lexie Craig (8th Quarter Designer), Preston Thompson (7th Quarter Copywriter)
The Idea
With “Caption That Candidate” we wanted to focus on the election while maintaining a bipartisan—yet fun—tone. Somehow that entailed buying Hillary and Donald masks and taking pictures all over Atlanta, with the end goal of having anyone and everyone caption and meme them.
”There’s no place like The White House. There’s no place like The White House. There’s no place like The White House.”
“These things make my hands look huge!”
“May the odds be ever in my favor.”
“You don’t sound at all like Eddie Murphy.”
“This is not what it looks like.”
In the interest of fair play, we’ve of course included both candidates, and put them in ridiculous poses and situations. Sometimes, even together. They even seem to be enjoying each other’s company!
As heated as politics gets—especially this election season— we want this to be a satirical break from the daily headlines and the constant back-and-forth attacks. Check out the pictures and get those brains working, we need your best captions!
We’ll keep adding photos on a continuing basis.
Visit the project on Facebook or Instagram.