See Inside Miami Ad School on Facebook Live

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Get a taste of the Miami Ad School experience with our regular broadcasts on Facebook Live

Visit the Miami Ad School Facebook page for our ongoing series of Industry Hero lectures. Our Heroes are professionals from the creative industries that grace our locations each week. They come to speak to our students, but our Heroes don’t stop there. They are in residence for an entire week—briefing students on a project and coaching them on their portfolios.

Upcoming Industry Heroes on Facebook Live:

chris edwards

Chris Edwards • Creative Director, Copywriter, Hopefully soon to be published Author
Monday; April 25, 2016 @ 5:00 PM Eastern Time

andres ordonez

Andrés Ordóñez • Chief Creative Officer @ Energy BBDO
Tuesday; April 26, 2016 @ 12:00 PM Eastern Time

rapha vasconellos

Rapha Vasconcellos • Latam Director @ Creative Shop at Facebook
Monday; April 25, 2016 @ 6:00 PM Eastern Time

Meghan Tetwiler

Meghan Lee Tetwiler • Associate Strategy Director @ DDB California
Tuesday; April 26, 2016 @ 6:30 PM Pacific Time

marlong quintero

Marlon Quintero • Managing Director @ CIC Media LLC
Monday; May 2nd, 2016 @ 5:00 PM Eastern Time

Our Industry Heroes are great examples of the caliber of instructors that has made Miami Ad School and its graduates so successful. Beyond lessons in the creative disciplines, students are exposed to the different company cultures through our Heroes, making internship decisions based on their impressions. They often get jobs at those same companies after graduation.

Videos will be available on Miami Ad School’s Facebook timeline for time-delayed viewing.

Don’t forget to like us so you’ll be notified whenever we go live!

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