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For the record, Miami Ad School didn't tweet the message below. Neither did @tweetsbygabe. Nonetheless, it has been declared:

You won internet this week, Mr. @tweetsbygabe #HelpKenyaNotKanye

— La Guarimba FilmFest (@La_Guarimba) February 20, 2016

On Friday, February 19th, helpkenyanotkanye.com went live. Gabe, a Miami Ad School grad, tweeted his creation to media outlets and influencers and, slowly, buzz began to build.

Come Monday morning, #HelpKenyaNotKanye started spreading like wildfire. We posted the site on the school's Facebook page and views of that post skyrocketed. As of this time, views number nearly 34,000.

Then the online media got in on things and, in only a few days, "Help Kenya Not Kanye" has been featured over 25 times:

"Help Kenya Not Kanye" Has Better Charity Options Than West's $53 Million Debt

Copywriter Launches 'Help Kenya Not Kanye' - Which Transforms Kanye's Idiotic Antics Into Something Worthwhile

Agency Creative Puts Things Into Perspective With "Help Kenya Not Kanye"

And Twitter started bringing stuff like this:

https://t.co/w4PAOLAt0Y #HelpKenyaNotKanye pic.twitter.com/JBSz5IoR9C

— Tom Hillman (@The_Hillman) February 23, 2016

Loving this! #HelpKenyaNotKanye juxtaposes Kanye's wrk w/ issues like food, ed & fresh water https://t.co/BmhMvLeTTW pic.twitter.com/iJtxy5eL7p

— HERO (@MarketingByHERO) February 23, 2016

@lizimiller thank you

— Gabriel Ferrer (@tweetsbygabe) February 23, 2016

Esto esta uberchingón: Help Kenya Not Kanye https://t.co/tN6Fbzl7ZF #helpkenyanotkanye

— Omar (@Omar_R_R) February 23, 2016

More media outlets have gotten in on the action:

Agency Copywriter Finally Stops Defending Kanye West, Creates #HelpKenyaNotKanye

"Help Kenya Not Kanye" Urges New Charity Site

"Help Kenya Not Kanye": The Site Putting The Life of Many Over "The Life of Pablo"

"Help Kenya Not Kanye" Website Urges People to Donate Funds to Africa Instead of Rapper

USA Today
Kanye West fan uses rapper's financial plea to request Kenya donations

Le Monde
Aidez le Kenya, pas Kanye

"Help Kenya, Not Kanye", Charity Wants Donations To Africa Not West

The Stable
An Advertising Copywriter Finds a Use for Kanye West

Kenya Aid
Help Kenya Not Kanye

2:23 PM EST New Media Mentions!

Ayuda a Kenia no a Kanye: Una Brillante Campaña de Marketing Social

New website, 'Help Kenya, not Kanye' Slams Rapper While Spotlighting Global Issues

Capital Campus

#HelpKenyaNotKanye Heats Up on Twitter

This Pun-Filled Website Wants You to Help Kenya and Not Kanye

Art School Vets
Help Kenya Not Kanye – Wenn Ein Rapper Um Geld Bettelt, Um Sein Luxusleben Zu Finanzieren

#HelpKenyaNotKanye: Les Lettres Bougent, Les Priorités Aussi

Twitter is still carrying the flame too:

Kanye should take notes: this is real creative genius haha! #HelpKenyaNotKanye https://t.co/GVs2PDQzyD

— Étienne Mérineau (@etiennemerineau) February 24, 2016

Really excited by #HelpKenyaNotKanye because guess who's a Kenyan that doesn't mind help? pic.twitter.com/fM2qVQgCB8

— Rachael (@rae_muk) February 24, 2016

. @AlmaAgency's @tweetsbygabe asks: donate $ to a Kanye single or children in Africa? #HelpKenyaNotKanye: https://t.co/fpjcaBsa7G

— Clio Awards (@ClioAwards) February 24, 2016

10:20 AM EST, February 25: Still more media!

Donner son argent á Kanye West ou au Kenya?

Ser fan de Kanye es muy duro, pero puedes ayudar a gente sin 21 grammys.

MTV News
"Help Kenya, Not Kanye" Campaign

11:25 AM EST, February 26:

We spoke with Gabriel last night and learned that he was interviewed live by the BBC yesterday. Also, he had not had a chance to install Google Analytics on helpkenyanotkanye.com—you can’t really fault him, it’s not like he expected all this hubbub—until Tuesday night. On Wednesday alone, helpkenyanotkanye.com had over 500K unique visitors.

kenyaaid.org received so much traffic as a result of #helpkenyanotkanye that it brought their site down:

So.... the #helpkenyanotkanye thing has been so great it's broken our website! We're working with our hosting... https://t.co/RZWGIlpul3

— Kenya Aid (@kenyaaid) February 24, 2016

They are back up and have redesigned their homepage to better complement Gabriel’s project. They are fundraising for the construction of a school, trying to obtain the resources to complete four more classrooms. They are 40% of the way there already.

Another effort worthy of your attention:

Want to #HelpKenyaNotKanye? We are raising funds with Eco Manyatta Housing to replace 50,000 mud huts in Kenya: https://t.co/vWeQ21eyIX

— Builders of Hope (@BuildersofHope) February 25, 2016

The saga continues. Check the Miami Ad School Blog for updates.

This is just one example of the power of social media. Time to learn how it's done.
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