What If Advertising Agencies Were Ice Cream Flavors?
What If Advertising Agencies Were Ice Cream Flavors?
Agency Scoops, a Tumblr from Miami Ad School New York students, Aditya Hariharan and Joshua Namdar, is gaining traction in the advertising community thanks to AdFreak article, “This Cool Tumblr Imagines If Agencies Were Ice Cream Flavors.”
The copywriting and art direction students took the best-known agencies and created flavors from their famous clients and campaigns as a self-promotional piece intended to get the attention of agencies that Miami Ad School partners with for advertising internships. “Where real ice cream might list ingredients, these cartons feature past creative highlights for each agency, as well as recent awards. There's even a timely nod to the Mad Men craze, with a 10th design featuring fictional agency Sterling Cooper & Partners,” wrote Gabriel Beltrone.
The coolest thing from the AdFreak article are the responses from the agencies featured. Aditya compiled the responses so far: