The Votes Are In: Here Are Your Unity Initiative Winners

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Three ideas to help heal the racial divide. Chosen by your votes, see the top projects from Miami Ad School’s Unity Initiative.

unity initiative winners

Three Miami Ad School Unity Initiative projects were chosen by popular vote for further development and execution.

Related Post: Does Misunderstanding Fuel Racism?

color conversations

Color Conversations was the overall winner with 32% of the vote. At the core of our racial problems is a critical mass of people that feel unheard or misunderstood. There’s no better way to resolve this than to talk about the issues. Atlanta art director, Shanice Brotherson, created a platform for all parties to discuss their feelings, experiences and points of view without criticism or judgement. Color Conversations can answer these burning questions and respond to those passionate statements and help us all gain a better understanding of one another. You can participate in Color Conversations on YouTubeTwitter and Instagram—using #colorconversations—or email questions anonymously to

Related Post: “I’m human. What are you?”

im human

Our second place project was I’m human. What are you? which earned 24% of the vote. San Francisco copywriter, Matt Tennenbaum, and Miami art director, Yeiniz Nevarez Oilvo, came together and quickly realized that at the root of all of this divisiveness was the fact that we’d forgotten one very simple thing. No matter who you are or where you're from, you have to acknowledge that we are all human. It is time to stand together.

“I’m human.” is a very ambitious project, requiring technical means beyond the standard capabilities of social media. Miami Ad School is approaching our partners at Facebook and other platforms to help make Matt and Yeiniz’s vision a reality.

Related Post: Take a Stand for Racial Harmony: Join the Discrim1Nation Generation

unity initiative

Coming in third with 21% of the vote was  1 Nation GenerationAtlanta designers, Mary Elizabeth Morse and Caroline Skarupka, developed a symbol that rejects the legacy of racial division and embraces a new vision of an American nation united. The graphic is the essence of their call to action, “Together we can be the generation to end discrimination.” T-shirts are now on sale—the proceeds of which go to support the UnitedWay.

In the near future, look for Mary Elizabeth and Caroline to expand on their message with other fundraising merchandise and to increase their  social media presence to encourage discussion and partner with prominent community leaders that will support and share their message of hope, amity and unity.

Congratulations to the winners, as well as  all the finalists, of the Miami Ad School Unity Initiative. Our thanks go out to the many students across the nation who contributed over 100 projects to this effort and, of course, to all of you for your votes and your interest.

Keep tabs on our blog for more news on each of these projects as they go forward.

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